Tuesday, January 7, 2014


 I was an athlete, for a most of the early part of my life,  maybe I still am in my head.  So, with that said, I had been setting and achieving goals I had set for myself  for almost two decades. Since I hate resolutions ( I feel like a loser, the first day I don't exercise, or stand over the sink eating cookies, or forget a birthday) I don't make them.  however, I am  again going to set some goals for myself this year.
 None involve winning medals, dropping times, or even related to the swimming pool, (although those would all help my jeans to fit better) HMMMM!! no, but really!!   they are just  small ones that I want to achieve for myself to help me be a better mom, friend, wife and person.    I found this and thought what a great way to be better in 2014, and I can eat cookies over the sink and feel ok about it from time to time.

1. Bad habit to break:    Self Doubt

2.  New skill to learn:  Taekwondo (hoping to start and adult class with a cute red head I like)

3.  Good deed to do:  Help someone out, when they need it.

4.  Person to me more like:  I don't want to be like anyone, just the best version of me!!

5.  Place to visit:  Can I go back to Utah? (just kidding, sorta!!!)

6.  Book to read:  Just finish one all the way through.

7.  Letter to write:  Since I love writing letters, it will be to my nephew serving a mission

8.  Food to try:  Try less foods (sorry that sounded a bit resolution like doesn't it) :) jean fit better!

9.  Spend more time:  Being in the moment with what I am doing, and less on electronics.

10.  Do better at:  Nurturing what is really important, my husband and kiddos and me!!

 and for fun, wear more mascara, my eyelashes or worthless!!