Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ponytail challenge


"My hair looks better up"
"I did not have time to do my hair "
"I was just staying home anyway"
" My hair is too curly"
"I was going to work out"

Whatever your excuse,ponytail, Clip or hat, you are not alone. You are among the large number of women "NOT DOING YOUR HAIR" you do everything else to get ready in the morning, but you are not living up to your hairs full potential. If you are like me, you have a thousand reasons why. But, it is going to end this week. I am proposing a challenge to all my ponytail enslaved friends. I Kathleen am accepting the challenge of not wearing my hair in a ponytail for one whole week. I am calling you all to join me, you heard me, rather read me. DO YOUR HAIR!!!!!!! Everyday all the way. Your ponytail can be one of the following, a clip, bun, hat, scrunchie, Headband, updo, twist, or braid. It has to go.

This will be very hard for me, as I think I have ponytail reflux disorder. I will blog about it all week, and want you to start whatever day you are reading this. Join me and then comment away..
If you are already doing your hair everyday. ROCK ON SISTERS!!!!!


Janelle said...

I am taking the challenge! Wait, does it count if I do a pony tail while I clean the house?

Kathleen Jackson said...

A ponytail in the name of working out,swimming or getting you house clean in legit.

Muggle Mom said...

lol!!! love the challenge, but i am not strong enough to accept. :( but i will wear my hair down if i go out in public. will that work? please???? :D

Kathleen Jackson said...

You are very WEAK!!! But, since you are prego in August in Texas you are somewhat excused, but wearing it down in public will do.

Craig Smith said...

I wish I could take this challenge but I am one of those women that wishes I could just put my short, thin hair up in a ponytail. At least with all of you not doing it this week I'll finally be like everyone else :) Good luck.

Kathleen Jackson said...

Tusday and Wednesday I rocked.
Thursday I went swimming.
Friday FAILED!!!!!
Saturday FAILED!!!
Sunday I won the gold. Wore it down to church and left it down all day. I HAVE WITNESSES!!!

Trina Davis said...

Sorry, I have the same disorder and am not ready to relinquish my hair-care free weekdays. I'm a Sunday down girl, and sometimes on date night when my hubbies home all day, other than that, I think I'd have an anxiety attack over doing my hair everyday. (Or my thin hair might fall out from blow drying and straight ironing it - ewww) :-) Best of luck to the rest of you fearless woman out there! Excellent job Kath.
***You know, I think it takes 21 days to makes something a habit. :-)

Kathleen Jackson said...

21 days for a habit, I don't think I have worn my hair down for 21 days this year. Amen to Sunday and date do's.
CUTE HAIR IS OVERRATED!!!!!! When I get rich and famous, my first big check will be for a hairstylinst DAILY!!!